Non-Equilibrium Plasma Torches

Non-Equilibrium Plasma (NEP) is a state of plasma known as “cold plasma” where the gas is ionized but is only partially energized. Electrons are accelerated by electricity to an excited state of several thousand degrees. However, the atomic nuclei (protons & neutrons) do not reach those extreme temperatures rather maintaining lower temperatures increasing at most a few hundred degrees. The NEP therefore creates a highly catalytic plasma with less wasted thermal energy.

Thermal Imaging of the Exterior Shell of a Non-Equilibirum Plasma Torch indicating 550.3 degrees celcius
NEP plasma torch external shell temperatures during testing with only ambient air to keep it cool.

APEC’s NEP Torches are designed to accept process gases into the torch body itself where the plasma arc is directly applied to this gas as it travels through the torch body. The direct interaction of the plasma arc, plume, reactant gas, and working gas ensures significantly more efficient transfer of plasma catalysis effects for maximum conversion. Additionally, operating the torch at lower temperatures achieves the same end results without requiring any external water cooling.

Schematic Cut of a Non-Thermal Plasma Torch showing input raw syngas being mixed with air/nitrofgen purge to form plasma via an electric arc. for generating refined syngas.
Gasflow through APEC’s NEP Torches

Non-Equilibrium Plasma Torches have a wide variety of green applications, including:

  • Synthesis of Hydrogen from Methane and other gases.
  • Production of Refined Syngas (H2 + CO) from Raw Syngas containing tars produced by primary-stage gasification and/or pyrolysis units.
  • Treatment of Hazardous Hydrocarbons.

Given its lower operating temperature, the NEP System is able to operate for long periods with minimal downtime. Maintenance is reduced and becomes focused on replacing spent electrodes and confirming gaskets are in good working order.

An installed Non-Equilibrium Plasma Torch for Syngas Refinement
Inner Electrode of a non-equilibrium plasma torch

APEC’s First NEP Torch Testing Campaign & Spent Electrode